<applet code="Mdataclock.class"
width="320" height="20">
Name of the applet. Width and height, mail the parameter for the width
in base to the type of visualization and font.
<param name="background" value="FFFFFF">
Color breaks down Applet.
<param name="font_color" value="000000">
Given color and hour.
<param name="background" value="FFFFFF">
<param name="font_color" value="000000">
If these two parameters come removed the Applet visualizes white background
(FFFFFF) of default and color black date (000000).
<param name="font" value="Arial">
Font for the date, the applet supported three types of font, Arial,
TimesRoman and Courier, if this parameter comes removed the applet visualizes
the Arial font of default.
<param name="font_size" value="18">
Greatness font in pixel, maximum greatness for the font 20 pixel, if you
comes inserted a superior value to 20 the applet takes 20 pixel of default.
<param name="font_type" value="0">
Chosen visualization font, bold, italic.
0 = font standard
1 = font bold
2 = font italic
3 = font italic bold
If you comes inserted a superior value to 3 the applet takes the N°
1 of default (bold).
<param name="clock_type" value="0">
Choice formed date and hour.
0 = date in Italian and hour
1 = date in Italian and hour in fully grown am pm
2 = date in Italian and hour in fully grown AM PM
3 = date in English and hour
4 = date in English and hour in fully grown am pm
5 = date in English and hour in fully grown AM PM
If you comes inserted a superior value to 5 the applet takes the N°
1 of default.
<param name="autore" value="Massimo Giari">
This parameter concerns the notes of the author if it is not present the
applet doesn't work.
Massimo Giari